Thank you to TD SYNNEX and Share the Magic donors for helping us bring hope, strength, and joy to our Northern California wish kids and their families.

Betsy Biern

CEO, Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area
About Our Chapter

TD SYNNEX Share the Magic California

TD SYNNEX Share the Magic California, is an annual fundraising initiative created by TD SYNNEX Corporation to provide funding to help grant wishes for children facing life-threatening illnesses through Make-A-Wish® Greater Bay Area.

Who We Help

Supporting Children and Families of California

Through TD SYNNEX Share the Magic California, TD SYNNEX is able to provide much needed financial support to Make-A-Wish® Greater Bay Area to grant wishes for critically ill children.

Make-A-Wish® Greater Bay Area

Make-A-Wish® Greater Bay Area fulfills the wishes of children between the ages of 2 1/2 and 18 who have critical illnesses. Serving 17 counties in Northern California, this chapter has granted more than 8,500 wishes to date and, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, granted close to 400 wishes per year.

Upcoming Events
Steering Committee

Meet our Steering Committee, who lead fundraising efforts and guide TD SYNNEX Share the Magic California.

Willa Flemate
Board Chair

Matt Dyenson

Monet Huang

Bret Morris

Marcy Rainey

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